a joy moment.
i sit here at my bar in my kitchen. it started with me reading in my Bible and working on the year long study i am doing. then i pick up my daily planner and jot a few things in it. i am trying to be diligent this year with just writing down a few points from the day and maybe a favorite moment. as i look up, i see jake cooking dinner. :)
there is the quote: 'what i have now, is what i used to pray for.' ok. i know. it's not quoted perfectly, but you get the meaning. i have been thinking about and my sis-in-law had mentioned it too, how when we have prayed for something. we get it and then awhile later, we just take it for granted and start looking for something else. As humans, why do we do this?
i thought about this again this evening because i was writing what we had done sunday. and after church we had ty's and brent's over. and oh the joy it brought, for i just felt we connected and it was so good.
so. is it looking for joy in each day? does being thankful cause us to not so easily become discontent? some say, it is just human tendency. which may be true but can we just stay there? can we not be intentional about thanking God for what He has so richly blessed us with? i say this, but please don't get the impression i have it all figured out because well..... i don't. i enjoyed a podcast on discontentment by the daily grace co. they just posted one about discontentment a week or so ago:) so, if you enjoy podcast, i recommend.
a few random tidbits from the last while:
-for our employee christmas party, we as a family put on a skit.
-we traveled across the water to new zealand. 10/10 stars
- an airplane took us the span of a 28 hour drive to be able to spend the holidays in my hometown & eat fresh oranges.
-spending time with my mom is a joy moment.
-we have received snow & ice.. the snow was fun. one evening we went over to sylvan's and got a ride on a tube behind his kabota.
-my newest cookbook: food from the heart II. i really like this book. 5 star review.
-a yum supper or lunch idea: gyros. (i also accept ideas)
ok. that is all for now. i hope each one of you can find a joy moment, or as some people i know, call them glimmers.:)
mrs. brooke
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