a day , a week.


just abit about life here.

it sometimes feels like a day is a week. a week is a month. and yet when i look back, poof. so much time has past and we are in mid july.

i really like the part about how it depends on where you are standing... it goes with what i have been thinking about lately.. perspective. i have been reading the book, the noticer and really love it. 🤍

july 12 - it was a warm day ! i still went hiking & then i aired up my paddle board and paddled about abit.. the hike was so good.. had some thinking to do :) in the evening, i went out for supper with some girls..

july 13 - after a rancher graduates... she will go home for a couple months. then she will come back for a refresher. with saying this.. we had a rancher come back for her refresher.

july 14 - mr. todd's and i ate mexican food over the noon hour and had a chat. after i got back to the ranch, it was time for trading post ! 

july 15 - i was in charge in the morning for chores and cleaning. i had such a enjoyable time being with the ranchers. in the afternoon, i was with my stuck rancher. we took a walk.. said hello to her horse.. scooped poop.. pulled weeds.. and checked out this place mr. doug has been working on to turn it into a sanctuary. we hung out on the porch and i wrote a letter...

july 16 & 17 - i had off. for the month of july, my off days are sunday and monday. this time off, i stayed at mr. todd's.. which i loved because it feels i'm not with them as much now.. 

16 - went to church and came home and helped cook lunch.. then went to school because the youth girls needed to make mini cheesecakes for monday evening supper. (instead of helping with that.. i fried bacon). i then talked to my mom for over 2 hours.. the youth came over and so i hung out with them.

17 - no sleeping in this off day. we three mentors had a group therapy session. then we had lunch and i went back for a session by myself... then i went and got coffee and read in my book :) on the way back to mr. todd's, it poured rain and i talked on the phone.. in the evening, i went to school to help the youth serve supper to the teachers and people attending teachers prep.

july 18 - counseling day for the girls. 

july 19 - i went out and worked with triz for part of horsemanship. i had a very fun time working at liberty with her :)  

my great uncle don went to live with his Father up beyond the clouds. 💙 

july 20 - it was a good day. the girls loaded up in the baby truck and i drove down the road and we picked wildflowers and greenery for a project. then back to the schoolhouse for trading post. authorities meeting was a hard one. then i spent the evening with our stuck rancher. i called her down and we had snack together.. she did not want to connect with me. i wanted to do holding time with her and feed her candy when she made eye contact. she did not want me to hold her. we sat on the floor and talked... then after after awhile we went out to the porch swing and she let me do holding time with her. we also talked about turning your chair away from the person you are sitting at the table with and the porch rocker that she had taken to the end of the porch.

july 21 - it started out as a rainy, chilly day. i hung out with my rancher.... in the afternoon, i felt just pinned in. i left the ranch and drove to gentry and got coffee.. when i got back, i got a treatment from dr. katy. the coolest part was... we brought out horses into the tack shed. she adjusted me first and worked with my emotions first. then she had me think about triz and seen what emotions came up. then she seen what emotions came up for triz.  

in the evening, we did music and drawing. we listened and danced to a song. then played the song again and drew how it spoke to each of us. then we showed what we had drawn and explained what it said to us.

july 22 -  i had given one of the ranchers an assignment the night before. i spent a few minutes talking with her. it made my heart happy. 🤍 i spent the morning with my rancher. i asked her if she knew why she wore her headcovering... i got to give a teaching on why we wear our head covering.. (reading that doctrine was so good for me.) i gave her option to either help me wash a vehicle or she could sit and watch me. she chose to watch me.. it made me very disappointed. after everything was put away.. we came to the porch and i read her the next chapter out of our book study book. then i had her answer the questions. 

in the afternoon, i cleaned and then ms. jenna and i left for the evening. 

july 23 - i went to church with mr. doug's, ms. sam, and ms. tiff. we mentors joined a couple families that were going out for lunch. i'm so glad we decided to go :) then we mentors went to pour jons for coffee and talked for a long time! :) took a run/walk... then relaxed :)

july 24 - did some thrift shopping:) and in the afternoon listened to uncle don's funeral.. and scrapbooked.... 

now the sun is setting and it is about time to head back to the ranch ✨

please pray for us ; as it has not been easy. but God is near & we can call on Him🤍


ms. brooke
